Mineralpedia Details for Levyne-Na
- Formula
- Na6(Si12Al6)O36·18H2O
- Crystal System
- Trigonal
- Crystal Habit
- Radial, Fibrous
- Cleavage
- Perfect, None, None
- Luster
- Vitreous (Glassy)
- Color
- white, grayish white, reddish white, yellowish white, gray
- Streak
- white
- Class
- Trigonal - Hexagonal Scalenohedral
- Hardness
- 4-4.5
- WebMineral
- View Levyne-Na
- Mindat
- View Levyne-Na
Levyne-Na from Island Magee, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Mindat list three localities for this rare zeolite. This locality is the fourth, not reported, however this is not an analyzed specimen. Tabular crystals to 1mm on edge in vug.
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